Resignation Information for Boards/Committees

If you are currently serving on an Elected board or committee and wish to resign, you are required to tender a signed resignation letter to the Town Clerk.  The letter should include the resignation date.

If you are serving on an Appointed board or committee and wish to resign, you are required to tender a signed resignation letter to the Select Board.  The letter should include the resignation date.

Are you interested in being appointed to a Board or Committee to fill a vacancy?

Please note the following:  

  • A new member cannot be appointed until the resignation of person leaving is final.
  • Vacancies will be posted on the town web site. 
  • Interested parties should forward a signed letter stating their interest in being being appointed to the Select Board.
  • It is also helpful if the Chair of the Board or Committee writes a letter or comes to the Select Board Meeting in support of the appointment.
  • If appointed, the Select Board Executive Assistant will provide the Town Clerk with an appointment form. The appointee should contact the Town Clerk to make an appointment to be sworn in order to begin your duties. Information will be provided for Open Meeting Law and the Conflict of Interest, which has training requirements.  Please note that you cannot vote on any matter for your board/committee until you have been sworn in by the Town Clerk. [Town Clerk, (413) 253-0512]